
While research tells us that Emotional Intelligence or EQ can be developed, we at Leading Challenges believe that several factors are necessary for implementing a successful Emotional Intelligence training program.

1. EQ Assessment

Leading Challenges uses the MHS EQi 2.0 to help individuals identify potential areas for development. The EQi 2.0 measures a set of emotional and social skills that are critical to an individual’s success in the following areas: the ability to effectively perceive and express yourself, the ability to develop and maintain relationships, the ability to cope with challenges and the ability to know how to use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way. The EQi 2.0 helps predict one’s success in life, including professional and personal pursuits. It renders scores in the following EQ components:

Emotional Self-awareness/Problem Solving


Self-Regard/Reality Testing

Self-Actualization/Stress Tolerance

Independence/Impulse Control


Interpersonal Relationships

Social Responsibility/Emotional Expression

The EQi has undergone over 20 years of research and has been tested on over 85,000 individuals worldwide. The BarOn EQ/MHS EQi 2.0 is the premier scientific measure of emotional intelligence.


2. EQ Coaching

Each individual who completes the EQi will receive a one-hour or two-hour feedback session in order to help them interpret their results. The Leading Challenges coach and the individual will identify the EI areas to improve. We focus on the areas that will make the biggest impact for the individual either professionally or personally. We work with the individual to create a very concrete action plan. We will reassess within 6 months to determine how much improvement is taking place.

(If your organization desires more on-going EQ coaching, other than the initial feedback session, Leading Challenges will work with you to design the most appropriate coaching solution. We have provided organizations with long-term Leading Challenges coaches and we have helped organizations develop EQ coaches to continue this important work.)


3. EQ Training

Developing Emotional Intelligence takes focused reflection, facilitated group interaction, and the opportunity to see your self in action away from the regular work environment. A Leading Challenges EI training concentrates on individual self-awareness and skill development in 15 subscales listed above. If the training includes a work team we will look at differences in EI between members of a team and discuss how these different norms influence the functioning of that them. Before working with a client, we typically ask that they examine their own leadership competency models and company values to ensure there is a fit between these behaviors and the EI skills.
If you are thinking about introducing EI to your organization here are a couple of questions to consider. How would our organization benefit if our employees improved their Emotional and Social functioning? What business problem would we solve for our organization if our employees were more skilled in EI?