
Leading Challenges has assessed the emotional and social functioning of over 10,000 individuals in 15 countries, with upwards of 5,000 of them being Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and company presidents. Each month, Leading Challenges introduces the assessment and development of emotional intelligence to an average of fifty CEOs and their key C-Level leaders.

Leading Challenges uses the following assessments of Emotional Intelligence: the Multi Health Systems EQi 2.0, the first scientifically validated and most widely used measure of EI, the EQi 360 as well as the Mayor-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT).

The EQi 2.0 is a scientifically validated, self-assessment that measures the 15 emotional and social skills of Emotional Intelligence. The report provides individuals with the follow information.

What are my EQ skills compared to the population norm?

What are the implications of my skills in social and work settings?

Individual suggestions for improvement in the skills.

EQ Imbalances – places where two EQ skills might be out of balance and ideas for balancing them. (To understand what is meant by an imbalance, see articles.)

Each Leading Challenges EI assessor and EI skill development coach earned their credential via personal study with the authors of the EQ-I, the EQi 2.0 and the MSCEIT or through training with the world’s premier psychological assessment publisher, Multi Health Systems ( based in Toronto, Canada.

Leading Challenges delivers keynote speeches and provides half, full day and multi-day (retreat) presentations and workshops focusing on the assessment and skill development of the 15-noncognitive skills of emotional intelligence (EI) to national and international groups. Leading Challenges assesses EI for corporations for both individual development situations and hiring support. Both of these can be conducted in person or via the phone. Leading Challenges can certify internally the HR and learning and development professionals within an organization or educational institution.